"Embrace the Unknown. Discover Your True Potential."

Start Your Journey Today


"Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery and Unleash Your True Potential."



Feeling like you are living through other people's expectations and finding it hard to be who you really are.


Your negative inner self-talk is affecting you as you begin a self-destructive spiral of bad habits.


Having undergone a significant life event and/or emotional experience, you now feel lost and can't see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Not sure who you are anymore? Are you missing a sense of identity and becoming more dissatisfied.



Let’s face it; Change is hard. But that’s WHY MY COACHIE EXISTS.
Our custom, supportive and empowering style is fully built around you, your needs and what's going to make the biggest GROWTH to your life NOW!.

  • Get expert accountability

  • Achieve the results you want

  • Become clear and confident with your new you




A dedicated coach who's committed to helping you achieve your goals.


Support and encouragement is vital through your transition in DISCOVERING YOUR TRUE SELF.


An individualized program that's Catered, Designed and Driven by what 'YOU NEED', for what’s 'really important' to YOU, right now.


Powerful techniques and strategies that you can keep for a lifetime.

Craft Your Authentic Path


A powerful self-discovery process setting the foundation for you create the best version of yourself.
You Are The Program

Dare to discover your true self?

You might be wondering why you actually need this. The truth is, you don't. But this journey is a heck of a lot easier with a professional coach and community on your side.
So what are you waiting for?
We're ready if you are!



Don't take our word for it...
Here are some shared experiences from some BRAVE 'SELF' SEEKERS that uncovered new possibilities, meaning and self discovery a realty, and you can too!

"Helped out tremendously with an inspirational conversation on career and life focus."


"I’ve over come some of life’s biggest hurdles with the help and guidance of my life coach"

Jess B

"Understating myself has given me a good insight into things I didn't know I could change"


"Andrew coached me in July 2020. During our sessions, Andrew showed incredible listening skills and built strong rapport with me. I felt very comfortable with his approach. He gave me plenty of time to process my own thoughts and knew when to push. I found the sessions with Andrew really helped me expand on my thinking. I recommend Andrew as a coach and I’ll definitely use his services again in the future."

Eric M

“Andrew was fabulous. Being coached by Andrew was a real eye opening experience for me. Andrew is easy to talk to, he really listens and was able to dig deep into what has been stopping me from achieving my goals. I would recommend Andrew if you are looking for a coach who will partner with you to help you reach your goals.”

Michelle W

"Very good reel stuff to work with."

Andrew B

"I have been seeing Andrew for a little over a month now and have achieved so much during this short time already. I was initially a little lost with my career direction and Andrew has helped me through those blockers I was having and he helped me realise my potentials and has just cleared so much of the confusion I was feeling not only in my career. Highly recommend Andrew for coaching in any area. He is absolutely amazing! Huge Thank you to you!"

Jen H

"Belief is number 1. My self esteem and confidence had been in the gutter prior to working with Andrew but he is teaching new ways to see myself and my situation based on my values and goals"

Brett T

“I got confidence and courage from being coached by Andrew and started a new business in the middle of a global pandemic. Through his coaching I was able to see where I lacked confidence. We worked on that and soon after I stepped out and started my business, The Australian Larder, where I do Facebook Lives inspiring and teaching single people to cook easy to prepare meals.”

Donna L

"Andrew has been great to talk too, he is a great listener and asks the right questions to get you thinking a bit more about the situation. Honest coaching that has provoked change"

Will S








I believe we are not broken and that we do have all the resources available to us to achieve what it is we are after. By increasing self-awareness, strengthening self-belief and consciously designing your life, you can achieve a life that you really want.
The coaching & therapy I provide is an all in approach, I commit to be 100% engaged in you and your outcome. The coaching is all about you, it’s your sessions, your goals, and your agenda. My number 1 job is to support you in achieving your result, so yes I ask the questions to open up those blind spots and with your permission I dive below the water level to help you unearth what’s really blocking you, what parts of you are not in alignment, not serving you. We review your current mindset, rewire and then release you on your journey towards that empowered outcome you designed.
So why me?
Well, my genius is getting the most out of you ‘rapidly’, raising your life impact and to get results.
So what I would really love for you, is for you to give it a go, see who you can become or achieve and skyrocket your life to be a more confident, emotionally balanced and self-aware human being; bullet proof to what life brings!
So drop me a line if you've got any questions about coaching and let's see if it's right for you.
Keep being curious!!
Andrew Date
Founder & Director
My Coachie & Resource Therapy Qld

Thank you!

Thank you for you enquiry, I'm looking forward in speaking with you soon. Clink on the link above and book in a time that best suits you. The link connects to my diary and you will be able to select a time that suits you best.
thanks again!







The secret to change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.


Personal Potential & Self-Discovery Coaching


Personalized Coaching Sessions
Unlimited Coaching Sessions - 60 Minute F2F/Zoom/Call
Unlimited Calls & Texts
Life Foundation Solidifier - Included
‘Resource Mapping’ Your Inner Personality Mapped


Personalized Coaching Sessions
Unlimited Coaching Sessions - 60 Minute Video/Call
Unlimited Calls & Texts
Life Foundation Solidifier - Included


Personalized Coaching Sessions
Coaching Sessions - 4 X 60 Minute Calls Per Month
Life Foundation Solidifier - Included

TOP 9 INSPIRATIONAL REASONS WHY people enjoy their coaching journey with us!

⮚ They BELONG TO A COMMUNITY where they can express their unique genius.⮚ They have their OPINIONS HEARD and valued.⮚ They increase their CAREER, EMPLOYMENT and BUSINESS success.⮚ They feel a sense of ADVENTURE and EXCITEMENT as they merge outside their comfort zones.⮚ They create a DEEPER CONNECTION to their spiritual beliefs.⮚ Heightened CONNECTION WITH LOVE.⮚ They have more FUN, FREEDOM and PLAYFULNESS in their lives.⮚ They create a higher quality of FREE TIME.⮚ Increased SELF CONFIDENCE as they RAPIDLY ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS.

If this sounds like you, WE NEED TO CONNECT!

Included - life Foundation Solidifier


"I was at my wits end 6 weeks ago. My husband and I had recently separated. We had both tried individual counselling as well as marriage counselling over the past 10 months but nothing was working. I was very angry about some turn of events in our marriage and couldn’t move past it. A friend suggested that I contact Andrew to see if he could help. I thought “what have I got to lose?” It turned out to be the best decision I’ve made. With on a matter of weeks of speaking with Andrew my anger had gone from 99% to about 5%.

I had previously felt like I was a record going around and around and around and Andrew just came along and turned the turnstile off!!! I was feeling a lot calmer and relaxed. Andrew has taught me how to acknowledge my anger and sadness and to shift my way of thinking into a positive frame of mind (among other things) for which I’m very grateful. My husband has now moved back home and we are a lot happier. Andrew basically saved our marriage. Thank you so much!!! "



Code Of Ethics

Code of EthicsAs an ICF member Andrew Date is committed to maintaining and promoting excellence in coaching. ICF expects all members and credentialed coaches (coaches, coach mentors, coaching supervisors, coach trainers or students), to adhere to the elements and principles of ethical conduct: to be competent and integrate ICF Core Competencies effectively in our work.
In line with the ICF core values and ICF definition of coaching, our Code of Ethics is designed to provide appropriate guidelines, accountability and enforceable standards of conduct for all of our coaches, who commit to abiding by the following ICF Code of Ethics:
Part One: Definitions
Coaching: Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.
ICF Coach: An ICF coach agrees to practice the ICF Core Competencies and pledges accountability to the
ICF Code of Ethics.
Professional Coaching Relationship: A professional coaching relationship exists when coaching includes an agreement (including contracts) that defines the responsibilities of each party.
Roles in the Coaching Relationship: In order to clarify roles in the coaching relationship it is often necessary to distinguish between the client and the sponsor. In most cases, the client and sponsor are the same person and are therefore jointly referred to as the client. For purposes of identification, however, Andrew Date defines these roles as follows:
Client: The “Client/Coachee” is the person(s) being coached.
Sponsor: The “sponsor” is the entity (including its representatives) paying for and/or arranging for coaching services to be provided. In all cases, coaching engagement agreements should clearly establish the rights, roles and responsibilities for both the client and sponsor if the client and sponsor are different people.
Student: The “student” is someone enrolled in a coach training program or working with a coaching supervisor or coach mentor in order to learn the coaching process or enhance and develop their coaching skills.
Conflict of Interest: A situation in which a coach has a private or personal interest sufficient to appear to influence the objective of his or her official duties as a coach and a professional.
Part Two: The ICF Standards of Ethical Conduct
Section 1: Professional Conduct at Large
As a coach, I:
1) Conduct myself in accordance with the ICF Code of Ethics in all interactions, including coach training, coach mentoring and coach supervisory activities.
2) Commit to take the appropriate action with the coach, trainer, or coach mentor and/or will contact ICF to address any ethics violation or possible breach as soon as I become aware, whether it involves me or others.
3) Communicate and create awareness in others, including organizations, employees, sponsors, coaches and others, who might need to be informed of the responsibilities established by this Code.
4) Refrain from unlawful discrimination in occupational activities, including age, race, gender orientation, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, national origin or disability.
5) Make verbal and written statements that are true and accurate about what I offer as a coach, the coaching profession or ICF.
6) Accurately identify my coaching qualifications, expertise, experience, training, certifications and ICF Credentials.
7) Recognize and honor the efforts and contributions of others and only claim ownership of my own material. I understand that violating this standard may leave me subject to legal remedy by a third party.
8) Strive at all times to recognize my personal issues that may impair, conflict with or interfere with my coaching performance or my professional coaching relationships. I will promptly seek the relevant professional assistance and determine the action to be taken, including whether it is appropriate to suspend or terminate my coaching relationship(s) whenever the facts and circumstances necessitate.
9) Recognize that the Code of Ethics applies to my relationship with coaching clients, coachees, students, mentees and supervisees.
10) Conduct and report research with competence, honesty and within recognized scientific standards and applicable subject guidelines. My research will be carried out with the necessary consent and approval of those involved, and with an approach that will protect participants from any potential harm. All research efforts will be performed in a manner that complies with all the applicable laws of the country in which the research is conducted.
11) Maintain, store and dispose of any records, including electronic files and communications, created during my coaching engagements in a manner that promotes confidentiality, security and privacy and complies with any applicable laws and agreements.
12) Use ICF Member contact information (email addresses, telephone numbers, and so on) only in the manner and to the extent authorized by the ICF.
Section 2: Conflicts of Interest
As a coach, I:
13) Seek to be conscious of any conflict or potential conflict of interest, openly disclose any such conflict and offer to remove myself when a conflict arises.
14) Clarify roles for internal coaches, set boundaries and review with stakeholders conflicts of interest that may emerge between coaching and other role functions.
15) Disclose to my client and the sponsor(s) all anticipated compensation from third parties that I may receive for referrals of clients or pay to receive clients.
16) Honor an equitable coach/client relationship, regardless of the form of compensation.
Section 3: Professional Conduct with Clients
As a coach, I:
17) Ethically speak what I know to be true to clients, prospective clients or sponsors about the potential value of the coaching process or of me as a coach.
18) Carefully explain and strive to ensure that, prior to or at the initial meeting, my coaching client and sponsor(s) understand the nature of coaching, the nature and limits of confidentiality, financial arrangements, and any other terms of the coaching agreement.
19) Have a clear coaching service agreement with my clients and sponsor(s) before beginning the coaching relationship and honor this agreement. The agreement shall include the roles, responsibilities and rights of all parties involved.
20) Hold responsibility for being aware of and setting clear, appropriate and culturally sensitive boundaries that govern interactions, physical or otherwise, I may have with my clients or sponsor(s).
21) Avoid any sexual or romantic relationship with current clients or sponsor(s) or students, mentees or supervisees. Further, I will be alert to the possibility of any potential sexual intimacy among the parties including my support staff and/or assistants and will take the appropriate action to address the issue or cancel the engagement in order to provide a safe environment overall.
22) Respect the client’s right to terminate the coaching relationship at any point during the process, subject to the provisions of the agreement. I shall remain alert to indications that there is a shift in the value received from the coaching relationship.
23) Encourage the client or sponsor to make a change if I believe the client or sponsor would be better served by another coach or by another resource and suggest my client seek the services of other professionals when deemed necessary or appropriate.
Section 4: Confidentiality/Privacy
As a coach, I:
24) Maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with all client and sponsor information unless release is required by law.
25) Have a clear agreement about how coaching information will be exchanged among coach, client and sponsor.
26) Have a clear agreement when acting as a coach, coach mentor, coaching supervisor or trainer, with both client and sponsor, student, mentee, or supervisee about the conditions under which confidentiality may not be maintained (e.g., illegal activity, pursuant to valid court order or subpoena; imminent or likely risk of danger to self or to others; etc) and make sure both client and sponsor, student, mentee, or supervisee voluntarily and knowingly agree in writing to that limit of confidentiality. Where I reasonably believe that because one of the above circumstances is applicable, I may need to inform appropriate authorities.
27) Require all those who work with me in support of my clients to adhere to the ICF Code of Ethics,
Number 26, Section 4, Confidentiality and Privacy Standards, and any other sections of the Code of
Ethics that might be applicable.
Section 5: Continuing Development
As a coach, I:
28) Commit to the need for continued and ongoing development of my professional skills.
Part Three: The ICF Pledge of Ethics
As an ICF coach, I and Andrew Date acknowledge and agree to honor my ethical and legal obligations to my coaching clients and sponsors, colleagues, and to the public at large. I pledge to comply with the ICF Code of Ethics and to practice these standards with those whom I coach, teach, mentor or supervise. If I breach this Pledge of Ethics or any part of the ICF Code of Ethics, I agree that the ICF in its sole discretion may hold me accountable for so doing. I further agree that my accountability to the ICF for any breach may include sanctions, such as loss of my ICF Membership and/or my ICF Credentials.
For more information on the Ethical Conduct Review Process including links to file a complaint, please
Click here. https://coachfederation.org/code-of-ethics
Adopted by the ICF Global Board of Directors June 2015.

Code Of Ethics

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The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only and is provided by www.mycoachie.com. While we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. You need to make your own enquiries to determine if the information or products are appropriate for your intended use.In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this website.Through this website you may be able to link to other websites which are not under the control of www.mycoachie.com. We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those websites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them.Every effort is made to keep the website up and running smoothly. However, www.mycoachie.com takes no responsibility for, and will not be liable for, the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond our control.COPYRIGHT NOTICEThis website and its contents are the copyright of Andrew Date T/As My Coachie – © 2024. All rights reserved.Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited other than the following. You may print or download contents to a local hard disk for your personal and non-commercial use only. You may copy some extracts only to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you acknowledge the website as the source of the material.You may not, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content. You may not transmit it or store it on any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.

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YOUR PRIVACYLast updated: 25 February 2022At www.mycoachie.com, we are committed to protecting your privacy as a customer and an online visitor to our website. We use the information we collect about you to maximize the services that we provide to you. We respect the privacy and confidentiality of the information provided by you and adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles. Please read our privacy policy below carefully.INFORMATION WE COLLECT FROM YOUIn the course of your visits to our website or use of our products and services, we may obtain the following information about you: name, company name, email address, telephone number, credit card details, billing address, geographic location, IP address, survey responses, support queries, blog comments and social media handles (together ‘Personal Data’).Our services are not directed to persons under 18 and we do not knowingly collect Personal Data from anyone under 18. If we become aware that a child under 18 has provided us with Personal Data, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you are the parent or guardian of a child and you believe they have provided us with Personal Data without your consent, then please contact us.You can review, correct, update or delete your Personal Data by either logging into your account and making the changes yourself or contacting us directly to do so.HOW WE USE YOUR INFORMATIONPersonally Identifiable Information: We use the information we collect to deliver our services to you, including: communicating with you, providing technical support, notifying you of updates and offers, sharing useful content, measuring customer satisfaction, diagnosing problems and providing you with a personalised website experience.Marketing communications are only sent to you if you have requested or subscribed to them. 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If your Personal Data is transferred and processed outside Australia, it will only be transferred to countries that have adequate privacy protections.We retain your personal information for as long as needed to provide services to you and as otherwise necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements.In the event there is a breach of our security and your Personal Data is compromised, we will promptly notify you in compliance with the applicable law.COOKIES AND PIXELSA cookie is a small file placed in your web browser that collects information about your web browsing behaviour. Use of cookies allows a website to tailor its configuration to your needs and preferences. Cookies do not access information stored on your computer or any Personal Data (e.g. name, address, email address or telephone number). Most web browsers automatically accept cookies but you can choose to reject cookies by changing your browser settings. 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To the extent that we do share your Personal Data with a service provider, we would only do so if that party has agreed to comply with our privacy standards as described in this privacy policy and in accordance with applicable law. Our contracts with third parties prohibit them from using any of your Personal Data for any purpose other than that for which it was shared.DISCLOSURE OF YOUR INFORMATIONWe may from time to time need to disclose certain information, which may include your Personal Data, to comply with a legal requirement, such as a law, regulation, court order, subpoena, warrant, in the course of a legal proceeding or in response to a law enforcement agency request. Also, we may use your Personal Data to protect the rights, property or safety of www.mycoachie.com, our customers or third parties.If there is a change of control in one of our businesses (whether by merger, sale, transfer of assets or otherwise) customer information, which may include your Personal Data, could be transferred to a purchaser under a confidentiality agreement. We would only disclose your Personal Data in good faith and where required by any of the above circumstances.LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITESThis website may contain links to other websites. These links are meant for your convenience only. Links to third party websites do not constitute sponsorship or endorsement or approval of these websites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other websites. We encourage our users to be aware, when they leave our website, to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy policy applies solely to information collected by this website.CHANGE IN PRIVACY POLICYAs we plan to ensure our privacy policy remains current, this policy is subject to change. We may modify this policy at any time, in our sole discretion and all modifications will be effective immediately upon our posting of the modifications on this website. Please return periodically to review our privacy policy.CONTACT USIf you have any questions or concerns at any time about our privacy policy or the use of your Personal Data, please contact us at andrew@mycoachie.com and we will respond within 48 hours.

Website Terms & Conditions

PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS WEBSITE.Welcome to our website. If you continue to browse and use this website you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our privacy policy and website disclaimer, govern www.mycoachie.com’s relationship with you in relation to your use of this website.By using this website, you signify your acceptance of these terms and conditions of use. For the purposes of these terms and conditions, “Us”, “Our” and “We” refers to www.mycoachie.com and “You” and “Your” refers to you, the client, visitor, website user or person using our website.AMENDMENT OF TERMSWe reserve the right to change, modify, add or remove portions of these terms at any time. Please check these terms regularly prior to using our website to ensure you are aware of any changes. We will endeavour to highlight any significant or substantive changes to you where possible. 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"What are you ready to change?"

“Resource Therapy (RT) is a deeply respectful therapy. RT goes directly to the part of us that is in need of help.”
Professor Gordon Emmerson PhD


What is Resource Therapy?

It’s an empowering psychotherapy based on the understanding that the personality is composed of parts (Resources).

How does it work?

How it works, is by working directly with the part (Resource) that needs the change and bringing it back to normality. We do this using techniques that show compassion and being respectful to all your parts (Resources).

Resource Therapy works well with anyone that,

  • Is carrying unwanted emotions & feelings, low self-worth, depression, confusion and or rumination.

  • Has an unwanted behavior like addictions, drug taking, OCD, withdrawal, anger, eating disorders, work/relationship avoidance, shopping addiction, ‘perfectionistic’ behavior and self-harming behavior.

  • Has a feeling of an inner conflict to the point of anxiety.

  • Below par ‘Disappointed’ with their ability within a relationship, sport or professional performance.

  • Fears associated with phobias, panic attacks, PTSD and anxiety that expresses beyond the current situation.

What you’ll get from Resource Therapy and why I am so passionate about this type of TREATMENT.

You will receive a quicker, deeper, and longer lasting change, ‘You’ll get results‘ reducing the need for long, ongoing therapy sessions so you can start to enjoy and achieve the life you deserve!You will feel more alive, have more energy, respond to life challenges with ease, have a sense of self control and confidence, feel empowered, have better relationships with a significant other, work performance, friends, overcome phobia’s & addictions, reduce pain increase personal performance by having the right part (Resource) out at the right time.

For further information to see if or how this line of psychotherapy can help, please use the link below & let’s discuss further options.


Resource States as described by Professor Gordon Emmerson in his Resource State Personality Theory, exist physically in our brains as neural pathways.

Our States are our Resources, they are our personality parts, and as such can be equated to neural pathways that develop the ability to change and be rewired with neuroplasticity. Neurogenesis is the process by which new neurons are formed in the brain. Neurogenesis is crucial when an embryo is developing, but also continues in certain brain regions after birth and throughout our lifespan.Brain cells use neurogenesis during normal brain development when the immature brain first begins to process sensory information through early growth (developmental plasticity and plasticity of learning and memory).When we are born and in our toddler years our brain grows exponentially. As a neuron (think of this as a cell much like a tree matures it sends out many branches of axons (responsible for sending messages out) and dendrites (capable of receiving information) increasing the number of synaptic contacts as it lays the specific synaptic connections – neuron to neuron.Neurons have a membrane that is designed to send information to other cells. The axon and dendrites are specialized structures designed to transmit and receive information. The connections between cells are called synapses. Neurons release chemicals known as neurotransmitters into these synapses to communicate with other neurons.An infant of three will have approximately 1500 synapses per neuron (Gopnick et al. 1999), whereas the adult brain has only 7,500 due to synaptic pruning, where unused connections are deleted.

Unused sections are also available to neurogenesis as an adaptive mechanism to compensate for lost function and/or to maximize remaining functions in the event of brain injury. It is our experiences, which determine which connections will be strengthened and which will be pruned. Those that are activated frequently will be preserved; neurons must have a purpose to survive. Those neurons without purpose die off through a process call apoptosis much the same way we prune our roses when they are not growing.Since our brains are neuroplastic, repeating behaviour over and over again allows our brain to develop and connect in such a way that it will create a physical neural pathway. This is exactly how our Resource states are developed - mostly in childhood. Understanding this developmental process is at the heart of Resource Therapy Theory of Personality.

Knowing that our Resource States, our personality parts, are physically wired within our brains allows us to understand the source of symptoms of emotional and mental discomfort more effectively and restore normality as we activate and reattach neural pathways to normal function.Resource Therapy works directly with the amgydala and our brains library, the hippocampus.Neurons can be strengthened and rewired according to Resource Therapy Theory of personality. The good news is we can rewire our brains with emotional processing therapies like Resource Therapy quickly, effectively and safely.

For further information to see if or how this line of psychotherapy can help, please use the link below & let’s discuss further options.


Therapy Options

Resource Therapy

Sessions are either, face to face or online for individuals. Focusing on what you are wanting to change.⮚ Is carrying unwanted emotions & feelings, low self-worth, Depression, confusion and or rumination.
⮚ Has an unwanted behaviour like addictions, drug taking, OCD, withdrawal, anger, eating disorders, work/relationship avoidance, shopping addiction, ‘perfectionistic’ behaviour, self-harming behaviour.
⮚ Has a feeling of an inner conflict to the point of anxiety.
Below par performance ‘Disappointed’ with their ability within a relationship, sport or professional performance.
⮚ Fears associated with phobias, panic attacks, PTSD and anxiety that expresses beyond the current situation.

RT Couples Counselling & Coaching

Resource Therapy (RT) Couples Counselling is to help partners communicate better, to help each person to attain a level of mental health necessary for a good relationship, and to help partners gain renewed access to the states that previously enjoyed the relationship.

‘Resource Mapping’
Your Inner Personality Mapped

A fantastic experience for people really wanting to get a deeper understanding on why they do the things they do!
Your Inner Self ‘Resource Mapping’ is the process of learning which Resources (Parts of your personality) you have, the roles of your states, which states know other states, the nature of their communication, and available states to you can call into the Conscious, using the best resource for that time.

Some benefits of conducting a Resource Mapping
1. You’ll learn the range of Resources that are available to you.
2. Assess your inner connections of your ‘Resource States’ to ensure they are cooperating and are not in conflict.
3. Discover states needing intervention.
4. Increase your self-understanding and self-esteem.


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A little about me,To start with, I’m really passionate about Positive Rapid Lasting Life Change. Parts & Ego state Therapy really intrigued me becoming a bit of an obsession. An obsession that lead me to the work & techniques of Professor Gordon Emmerson’s PhD ‘Resource Therapy’ and what I have directly experienced and witnessed with my clients since my initial consult with the RT International has now become the core ingredient of my work."My purpose is creating the most effective, sustainable, life transitional experience for my clients to help them in making the change they need to bring true authentic joy & happiness back into their lives!" Andrew

I’m qualified and registered as a Advanced Clinical Resource Therapist (AdvCRT), directly trained by the Founder of Resource Therapy International (RTI), Professor Gordon Emmerson PhD. Further studies are currently underway and in the near future, training RT students will also become another ‘Part’ of my work.Other Qualifications I’m passionate about,*** Advanced Associate Certified Coach (AdvACC) & Member of the International Coaching Federation (ID #009630843I)***
Accredited NLP Practitioner (NLP)
Husband and father of two beautiful daughters and passionate guitar player!
**Areas I specialises in, ****THERAPY **COUPLES COUNSELLING & COACHINGRESOURCE MAPPINGPERSONAL PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE CONSULTINGRESOURCE THERAPY TRAINERMy services are conducted face to face, online or in small groups and I happily servicing the Greater Brisbane, Ipswich and Gold Coast areas.So why me?So what I would really love for you, is for you to give it a go, see who you can become, what you can change or what you can achieve and skyrocket your life to be a more confident, emotionally balanced and self-aware human being; bullet proof to what life brings!So, what are you ready to change today?
Andrew D ACC, AdvCRTT